Co-hosting discussions with diverse panels of women designers and creators working across the creative industry. These conversations are part of the work done by Dr Rebecca Gamble and myself at The Nottingham Trent University since 2020.
Recent discussions have been held both online and in person to mark International Women's Day and form part of our ongoing work around equity, diversity and inclusion within both education and practise.
The underrepresentation of women, non binary and minority gender identities is the core topic, and to ensure a range of perspectives are voiced and heard we always strive to bring together a diverse mix of people from different design and cultural backgrounds.
Photo Credits - Christopher Hanley & Sejal Vachher
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Design, 2022
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Design, 2022
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Design, 2022
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Design, 2022
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Design, 2022
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Design, 2022
International Women's Day 2023
International Women's Day 2023
International Women's Day 2023
International Women's Day 2023
International Women's Day 2023
International Women's Day 2023
The above show images taken from two recent events held; 
Top row (left to right) was an event organised through 'The Product Design Industrial Liaison Committee' (*) to listen and share views on building Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within education and industry.
Bottom row (left to right) was a panel discussion for students to learn from several creatives working in different parts of the industry ranging from illustration to user research and consultancy.

* The ILC is comprised of practitioners from Industry, NTU Alumni, Researchers, Graduates and Staff who meet to share best practise and ideas that help to inform and improve the content delivered as part of the cirriculum at NTU.
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